Taking Tadalafil to Improve Embryo Implantation
This is the first study to test the use of vaginal tadalafil on endometrial thickness and pregnancies in women using IVF to conceive.
Study Background
Does tadalafil build the uterine lining better than placebo?
Does vaginal tadalafil provide better results than oral tadalafil?
Endometrial thickness influences embryo implantation
PDE-5 inhibitors influence endometrium development
Tadalafil has longer half-life (17.5 hours) vs. sildenafil (~4 hours)
One hospital site in Ghent, Belgium
March - September 2019
58 women struggling to conceive
ages 18-40 years
attempting IVF for the first, second, or third time (any indication for IVF)
Excluded women with BMI > 35 kg/m2, abnormal uterine cavity, known major organ disease, history of myocardial infarction or vascular disease, or a contraindication for tadalafil
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prospective trial
Double-blind: blinding not elucidated
Randomized 1:1:1 via computer program
Treatments by Group:
Group A: oral tadalafil + vaginal placebo
Group B: oral placebo + vaginal tadalafil
Group C: oral placebo + vaginal placebo
Vaginal tadalafil compounded by local pharmacist from oral tadalafil capsules
Patients completed study protocol as shown in figure below
1-2 embryos transferred after 3 or 5 days of fertilization; received endometrial support as micronized vaginal progesterone caps
Figure from study BALDUYCK et al.
rFSH = recombinant follicular stimulating hormone, GnRH= gonadotropin-releasing hormone, hCG = human chorionic gonadotrophin (ovulation trigger), OR = oocyte retrieval, ET= embryo transfer.
Baseline characteristics between groups: student t-test (n < 30)
Endometrial thickness and pregnancy: one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
58/58 patients completed study (zero dropouts/lost to follow-up)
Patient characteristics similar between groups (BMI, age, FSH, rFSH dosing)
Endometrial thickness showed no statistically significant differences between groups
Group B had more cumulative oocyte complexes (COCs) and mature oocytes (MIIs) vs. Groups A and C ; statistically significant at p = 0.017 and p = 0.043 respectively
No statistically significant differences in 2PN zygotes and cryopreserved embryos, but higher # embryos in Groups A & B vs. Group C
Trend towards more biochemical and clinical pregnancies in Group A vs. Groups B & C but no statistically significant differences
Authors’ Conclusions
No mean differences in endometrial thickness or pregnancies between groups
Future studies should consider:
recruiting more patients
selecting patients based on thin endometrium in past IVF cycles
assessing live-birth rates as an outcome
Not possible to draw conclusion on role of vasodilators in fertility treatment
This Pharmacist’s Conclusions(+) randomization (with sufficient explanation); all patients allocated to intervention remained in the trial; stopped tadalafil prior to ovulation to ensure embryo safety
(-) scant explanation for why results did not confirm hypotheses; poor explanation of formulation for vaginal application; under-explained the dosing selection for 10 mg tadalafil; lack of smoker status in baseline demographics (12% of Belgian women are smokers and cigarette use is linked to endometrial thickness)
This pilot study demonstrated a potential for differences in pregnancy outcomes using tadalafil vs. placebo, but larger, potentially dose-ranging studies are needed before routinely incorporating oral or vaginal tadalafil into IVF protocols.
Balduyck J, Ameye A, Decleer W. Effect of vaginal/oral tadalafil on endometrial thickness in IVF patients: a double-blind, placebo controlled RCT: a pilot study. Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2022;14(2):155-161. doi:10.52054/FVVO.14.2.026
Belapurkar P, Jaiswal A, Madaan S. Comparison of Efficacy Between Vaginal Sildenafil and Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) in Improving Endometrial Thickness (ET) in Infertile Women. Cureus. 2022;14(6):e26415. Published 2022 Jun 29. doi:10.7759/cureus.26415
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