All in pregnancy
New research compares vaginal progesterone to placebo in women experiencing a threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy.
A meta-analysis looks at associations between pregnancy loss and consuming coffee and/or caffeine shortly before or during pregnancy.
How relevant are a woman's feelings on getting pregnant to her sexual satisfaction? This study attempted to find out.
The largest comparison study ever conducted on how assisted reproductive technology impacts twin births.
A large U.S. study of women with pregnancy loss and taking low-dose aspirin vs. placebo while trying to conceive. Results from this study revealed how low-dose aspirin impacts menstrual cycle patterns and hormone levels.
The first study to look at gestational carriers with different BMIs, seeing how their pregnancy and birth rates compare to the “generally infertile.”
The first study to look at how socioeconomic issues play into awareness about ectopic pregnancies.
Discussion on the first U.S. study of seven COVID-19 infected pregnant women who presented to a NYC hospital, including an update to the episode’s original recording.
Discussion on the known impacts of remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, and chloroquine on pregnancy with potential implications for COVID-19.